
Team Deutsche Schule at the Model United Nations of Genoa


We so enjoyed being back at GeMUN with our dear delegates, chairs, secretariat, press, security and staff members!

The 21st session of GeMUN 2024 took place from February 15th to 17th in the center of Genoa at Palazzo Ducale, Camera di Commercio, Prefettura and Palazzo Tursi.

In a conference of about 500 students from all over the world, more than 10 schools participated in this session: Liceo Linguistico Internazionale Deledda, Deledda International School, ISIS Duchessa di Galliera, Deutsche Schule Genua, ITTL Nautico San Giorgio, Liceo Scientifico Cassini, Liceo Gobetti, Liceo Pertini from Genoa; Scuola Internazionale Spinelli from Turin; Schule Schloss Salem from Germany; Koç School, TED Bursa Koleji and TED Rönesans Koleji from Turkey. One delegation also came from the United States of America from Tustin High School in Southern California. 

This year’s motto was “Generation Next” and our delegates debated on very important topics such as the Israel-Gaza crisis and human trafficking.

Team GeMUN DSG worked very hard to debate these important and current topics, especially the new delegates of year 9 Ludovica, Martina, Elisa, Edoardo, Francesco, Giovanni, Niccolò and Mateo who were distributed in the three biggest committees SOCHUM, ECOFIN and ECOSOC. Year 10 students Blue, Matteo, Ruggero, Nicolas and Hermann debated the topics of the committees SOCHUM, ECOSOC, ECOFIN and SpecPol. Elisa of year 11 and Lucas of year 12 were enthusiastic to meet their fellow delegates in the Security Council. Pietro of year 11 participated as a delegate in SpecPol. In our team there aren’t only delegates but also chairs - Ginevra, Zoe and Fabiola of year 12 - who led their committees gracefully and efficiently. Busy with the organization, the support of the delegates and chairs, with taking pictures and cheering on the team were MUN director Mrs. Lehmann and her assistant Ginevra of year 11.

The students were grateful to have had this experience, they made new friends, they learned about important topics and they had fun with the gossip box! On the last day of GeMUN they also enjoyed dancing on the dance floor of the Cisterne del Ducale at the traditional GeMUN Dance Party.

See you next year for the 22nd Session of the Genoa Model United Nations, we can’t wait!

Ginevra Carilli, year 11, assistant of the MUN Director
